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1. 哈利波特片场和华纳兄弟影城之旅
在 哈利波特片场和华纳兄弟影城之旅 , 周三, 2 四月 2025 - 周三, 31 十二月 2025从 ¥ 1,023
2. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆+伦敦眼二合一联票:
在 伦敦二合一套票, 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 474
3. 伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆
在 伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆, 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 281
4. 伦敦眼门票:定时入场
在 伦敦眼:入场券, 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 275
5. Madame Tussauds
在 Madame Tussauds - Offer 2023, 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 277
6. 伦敦大巴士之旅
在 伦敦大巴士之旅 , 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 236
7. 伦敦眼:快速定时入场
在 伦敦眼:快速入场 , 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 422
8. 伦敦杜莎夫人蜡像馆+伦敦眼+伦敦地牢三合一联票
在 3-in-1 Combo: Madame Tussauds, London Eye & London Dungeon, 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 570
9. London Dungeon
在 伦敦地牢 , 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 258
10. 伦敦五合一套票
在 伦敦五合一套票 , 周二, 1 四月 2025 - 周一, 30 三月 2026从 ¥ 667
2-in-1: London Dungeon & London Eye
Visit two of London's most popular attractions: The scary London Dungeon, that will get your heart racing, and the London Eye, where the view leaves you breathless!
Exclusive Offer - only available through us!
If you buy the 2-in-1 London Combo with tickets to London Eye and London Dungeon you save 20% compared to the price at the door.
- Book online and save 20 % on your tickets
- Enjoy the admiring view over the city from London Eye
- Learn about the history of London
- Experience live actors in the London Dungeon
Who is behind you?
Through a 90-minute journey you get to know the darkest facts about London. The scary is combined with learning and excitement. You and your fellow guests walk through London Dungeon, where you experience different shows with live actors.
You get to know the history of London through all of your senses, and you get the chance to have fun and get a little scared. So make sure to watch out for who is behind you.
The best view of London
Get a new perspective of London by taking a turn in the huge Ferris wheel, London Eye. Its location is by the beautiful Thames, just across from Big Ben.
A full turn on the famous Ferris wheel takes around 30 minutes, and at the highest point you will be at 135 meters above sea level. The view is absolutely breathtaking and a must-see when in London!
How do I get my tickets?
Your e-tickets will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete.
(The e-tickets you receive are valid for ALL the attractions in this package deal. You simply scan the same e-tickets at the attractions, and in you go!)
How does it work?
The date and time you book are for your visit to: London Dungeon.
How do I book date and time for the other attractions in this package deal?
On your e-tickets, you will find a link to our booking portal. Here you easily book date and time for the other attractions.
Also, you do not have to visit the attractions on the same day. You have full flexibility and can book the dates and time that suits you best.
Can I change date and time?
No problem! In the same booking portal on your e-tickets, you can also change date and time if needed – It’s so easy!
We highly recommend that you do book date and time for all your attractions. Attractions with no pre-booked date and time will be subject to availability at time of visit and will require visiting the ticket desk to get booked into the next available timeslot. Immediate availability is not guaranteed.
The time(s) you book for is the time to arrive at the attractions and join the line. It is not possible to join line before your booked timeslot.
- London Dungeon is a 90-110 minute walking experience and guests are required to stand for a majority of it.
Adult (16+)
Child (5-15)
Child (0-4): No access
Please check calendar for date and time.
非常棒: 4.5 – 38 评论
免费取消预订 免费取消预订
节省时间 — 免排队
Please check calendar for date and time.
London Eye:
+ Pre-booked timeslot
London Dungeon:
+ Pre-booked timeslot
2-in-1: London Dungeon & London Eye
London Dungeon
Riverside Building, County Hall
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7PB
Great Britain

如需要预订门票帮助,欢迎联系我们客服。 很高兴能够为您服务。